Office Survival Kit for Businesses – Urban Survival Supplies
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As we know, a disaster can strike at any time, no matter where you are. Businesses would be wise to have an emergency preparedness plan, including an office survival kit. In order to ready your office/business, develop a plan to ensure the safety of your people. Here are a few ideas to bring to work for your disaster planning as part of your urban survival supplies. has an excellent section on business emergency planning:

Business continuity planning must account for all hazards (both man-made and natural disasters). You should plan in advance to manage any emergency situation. Assess the situation, use common sense and available resources to take care of yourself, your co-workers and your business’s recovery.

* Be Informed

Know what kinds of emergencies might affect your company.

* Continuity Planning

Carefully assess how your company functions, both internally and externally.

* Emergency Planning

Your employees and co-workers are your business’s most important and valuable asset.

* Emergency Supplies

Think first about the basics of survival: fresh water, food, clean air and warmth. Develop an office survival kit.

* Deciding to Stay or Go

Shelter-in-place or evacuate, plan for both possibilities.

* Fire Safety

Fire is the most common of all business disasters.

* Medical Emergencies

Take steps that give you the upper hand in responding to medical emergencies.

* Influenza Pandemic

The federal government, states, communities and industry are taking steps to prepare for and respond to an influenza pandemic.

In addition to these steps, it is recommended to keep phone lists of your key employees and customers with you. Make sure that your supervisors have access to this list. Please visit for business emergency preparedness details and build or buy you office survival kit.

It is best to be prepared to shelter-in-place, no matter where you are. Having an office survival kit is a great addition to your urban survival supplies. Include items such as:

Food and Water:

Rest assured knowing you have food and water in the office kit, with proper nutrition in any type of disaster. These products have a 5 year shelf life.

10 Boxes of Aqua Literz

10 – 2400 Calorie Food Bars (24,000 Calories)

50 Water Purification Tablets – each tablet purifies 1 liter of water

Light and Communication:

Never be stranded without the proper supplies to help you keep in communication with those around you.

Dynamo Radio Flashlight 4 in 1

Rechargeable Squeeze Flashlight – 3 LED flashlight

36 Hour Emergency Candle – can also be used as a stove

5 – 12 Hour Green Emergency Glow Sticks

5-in-1 Survival Whistle

Box of Waterproof Matches

Shelter and Warmth:

Nothing is worse than being cold and without shelter. With these items in the survival kit, you will be comfortable even during the coldest times.

10 Emergency Survival Blankets

2 Person Tube Tent with Rope

10 Emergency Ponchos with Hood


These are items that you will be glad you have in an office kit, for emergency prep. You may even find yourself using them for day to day use.

6′ x 8′ Blue Tarp

7-1/2″ Flat Pry Bar

16 Function Knife

2 Pairs of Palm Dotted Working Gloves

Duct Tape – 2″ x 10 yards

10 – N95 Respirator Dust Masks – NIOSH approved

Hygiene and Sanitation:

When you aren’t sure how long you will be without power or utilities, the simple act of freshening up can boost your attitude in any situation.

2 Toilet Bags with Chemicals

10 Hygiene Kits

10 Pocket Tissue Packs

Air Freshener

First Aid:

With these items in the survival kit, you will be able to tend to minor injuries and offer relief to those in need.

2 – 36 Piece Portable First Aid Kit

2 First Aid Essentials Kits


If you find yourself in a mundane situation, use these items to entertain yourself until circumstances change.

2 Decks of playing cards for entertainment

Office Survival Kit Information:

This survival kit was designed using advice from experts in the emergency prep industry. It follows guidelines given by government agencies and non-profit emergency prep organizations.

There is so much more to emergency preparedness for your business, so please check out other resources from in detail. Develop a plan, get an office survival kit and train your staff on disaster readiness. This is just one more tool to add to your urban survival supplies, and another way to help stay self-reliant in a crisis.


Article Source: Office Survival Kit for Businesses – Urban Survival Supplies - FireKable